Discover CED Cosmetics,, a cosmetics distributor looking for original & innovative brands to import to France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Who is CED Cosmetics?
- A distributor of premium international beauty & cosmetics products
- Currently has 25 brands in its portfolio: Dr Bronner's, OGX, Maui, Herbacin, Ikoo, The Humble Brush, Real Techniques, PureHeals, Adopt, etc.
- Bought in 2020 Astrodif, a large french pharmacy distributor
- Works with mass distribution, selective perfumeries, parapharmacies, department stores, drugstores, concept stores, organic shops, etc
What's in the replay?
- Who is CED and know more about their future sourcing projects
- How to meet them and many other beauty buyers at one of our Summits.

Click on the video to access the replay